在2009年結束時,住宅價格平均增幅為30%。是否還有增長空間? 從統計數據顯示,預測本港今年樓市升 幅可達10% 至15%。到目前來說,2010 年表現良好,樓市升幅已有2.5%的增長。 本港的低息環境對樓市持續有利。加上銀行之間 的競爭十分大,因此銀行會繼續為客戶提供固定的低利率貸款和現金回贈,以及銀行同業拆息掛勾的按揭計劃來吸引顧客。而加息可能到2011或2012年才會 發生。
由於新樓供應預期相當緊絀,而投資及自住的需求料會持續,市場普遍認為第一手樓盤的樓價會進一步攀升。今年第一個新盤推出 的項目「寶雅山」就反映了香港對新房屋發展的需求,152個單位在其週末首次亮相後,當中8成已銷售。同樣,由嘉里建設有限公司興建於西營盤的「縉城 峰」,平均呎價更達到為HK$14,000。
其他有利樓市的因素包括空置率低及租金上揚,銀行的物業估值上升,已及內地熱錢和富商持續炒 樓的熱情。而政府干 預,印花稅加息在2千萬港元以上的豪宅,以至在年度財政預算案釋放後的消極情緒釋的影響只會是短暫。整體樓市趨勢認為是樂觀的,樓價會進一步攀升。 憑 藉安閣物業既有的經營理念、品牌形象、專業人才、和優質顧客服務等優勢,本公司的網絡不斷在擴大。我們的客源十分龐大而且擁有很多專貴的客戶。現時安閣物 業在全球已開設超過400分店遍怖於32個國家。本公司在本地和全球市場都擁有豐富經驗,能為每一位尊貴客戶提供最全面,最專業,和最高效率的服務。 現 在,我們誠意邀請閣下親臨本店或致電本公司的專業地產顧問諮詢有關出售/放租/投資各項住宅物業。
What to expect in the Year of the Tiger
2009 ended with an average 30% increase in residential prices. Is there still room for growth? Across the board consensus for the residential market in Hong Kong suggests a 10% to 15% increase in capital values in 2010. A look at some of the key fundamentals that will drive home prices in Hong Kong reaffirms this prediction, and if year to date figures are anything to go by (2.5% growth), 2010 is already experiencing good momentum. The low interest rate environment in Hong Kong continues to reduce the barriers to entry for home buyers. Competition amongst Hong Kong banks remains aggressive with banks offering low fixed rate mortgages and cash rebates, along with low HIBOR based loans. Rate hikes are on the horizon, but may not take effect until 2011 or 2012.
Tightened supply of new residential developments will fuel premium values for the few first hand sale projects released this year. The first project launch of the year at Belcher’s Hill is testament of the pent up demand for new housing developments in Hong Kong, realising 80% of 152 unit sales within its weekend debut. Similar results were also achieved by Kerry Properties Island Crest project in Sai Ying Pun, hitting an average sale price of HK$14,000 per square foot. What else do we think will assist growth? Trends are showing tightened residential vacancy rates and rents playing catch up to capital values, a rise in bank valuations, and sustainable interest from Mainland Chinese investment. Having said that, tightening of government policies affecting bank financing, a hike in stamp duty for luxury properties above HK$20 million and negative sentiment following the release of the annual Budget, may level out growth, but all signs continue to point in the direction of a rise in home prices this year.